I can also offer some ideas that may be helpful in your personal journey to overcome your challenges, based on my personal and professional experiences. Please send me a message so that we can discuss these things in private. Wishing you well, Entrepreneuresss Next Door

Archive for the ‘Health and Wealth’ Category

Follow-Up Follow-Up Follow-Up

Because people have busy lives. They might be ready
but was trying to sign up at work, was watching the video then had to cook for the family, then their minds are guided
in right now responsibilities that can make them forget.

For an example, my husband and I had forgot we had a doctor’s

appointment for him today, but the assistant called the 
day before with a “reminder” <——– Follow up..
Some of you miss a lot of sales when somebody told you
they were ready and give them the link because you were
‘afraid’ to come back later and ask what is the status or
if they have any questions.
I have had people buy just following up saying hello
and it triggered their memory.
Continue to build your list of subscribers, give them value,
show you are a leader that has the vehicle, engine, and fuel
for them to get to point A. to point B.
  at work, was watching the video
then had to cook for the family, then their minds are guided
in right now responsibilities that can make them forget.
For an example, my husband and I had forgot we had a doctor’s
appointment for him today, but the assistant called the 
day before with a “reminder” <——– Follow up..
Schedule a day for follow-ups and follow up with the people you have shared your business with. I like Fridays because it is just the end to my week.
Some of you miss a lot of sales when somebody told you
they were ready and give them the link because you were
‘afraid’ to come back later and ask what is the status or
if they have any questions.
To your success. 
Wishing you well,
~ Turned her Can’ts into Cans ~ Her Dreams into Plans ~
I can also offer some ideas that may be helpful in your personal journey to overcome your challenges, based on my personal and professional experiences. Please send me a message so that we can discuss these things in private.

I Was Just Like You.

I was just like you looking for a way to earn some extra money online. I am married and a grandma of four. I had to give up my cleaning business of 24 years due to health issues. That cut our income in half. I have been in several businesses online with little or no results. Mostly just bad experiences, I didn’t give up though I needed to make some money somehow.


One day my phone rang it was someone from LinkedIn. She had seen my profile there and decided to call me. She told me about a company called uTHRiV. It took me a couple of days to decide to give it a try. I am so glad I did. The founders of uTHRiV made up the compensation plan so that the average everyday person could make a sustainable income from home. So that is why I am sharing it to you. If you follow our training and let us help you, you will make money. Here is my website www.marketingwithjudy.com go and watch the video’s.

Take a look at our great products, which is another reason I looked further into the business. I mentioned earlier I have some health issues. I am using the products and my health has improved. My granddaughter’s love it and I know they are getting they daily allowance of  fruits and veggies. Make sure you look at the +5. It is so simple just 5 fruits and 5 vegetables. What all of our bodies are thriving for. Unfortunately, over 90% of the world’s populations do not get their daily 5 fruits and vegetables. What an AMAZING product +5 is.


May You be Blessed with Abundance,

http---signatures.mylivesignature.com-54492-190-C90BC8C1A4BD0DD91AC837E8972A1AF7 (1)
~ Turned her Can’ts into Cans ~ Her Dreams into Plans ~




Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease & uTHRiv +5

6 Months ago I was diagnosed with NAFLD. 1 Month ago I found a company called uTHRiV. uTHRIV’s flagship product is +5. I started drinking +5 a month ago. I didn’t think it was helping until I ran out a week ago. Now my nausea, shakiness, fatigue, weakness has returned. I am ordering more. I wanted to share with you a little about the disease Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and uTHRiV’s +5.

IMPORTANCE of the liver.

The liver is the second largest organ in your body and is located under your rib cage on the right side. It weighs about three pounds and is shaped like a football that is flat on one side.

The liver performs many jobs in your body. It processes what you eat and drink into energy and nutrients your body can use. The liver also removes harmful substances from your blood.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the build up of extra fat in liver cells that is not caused by alcohol. It is normal for the liver to contain some fat. However, if more than 5% – 10% percent of the liver’s weight is fat, then it is called a fatty liver (steatosis).


NAFLD tends to develop in people who are overweight or obese or have diabetes, high cholesterol or high triglycerides. Rapid weight loss and poor eating habits also may lead to NAFLD.

However, some people develop NAFLD even if they do not have any risk factors. NAFLD affects up to 25% of people in the United States.


NAFLD may cause the liver to swell (steatohepatitis). A swollen liver may cause scarring (cirrhosis) over time and may even lead to liver cancer or liver failure.


NAFLD often has no symptoms.

When symptoms occur, they may include fatigue, weakness, weight loss, and loss of appetite, nausea, abdominal pain, spider-like blood vessels, yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice), itching, fluid buildup and swelling of the legs (edema) and abdomen (ascites), and mental confusion.


NAFLD is initially suspected if blood tests show high levels of liver enzymes and Enlarged liver. However, other liver diseases are first ruled out through additional tests. Often, an ultrasound is used to confirm the NAFLD diagnosis.

+5 is working for people I know personally including myself.

uTHRiV  +5 made some of my symptoms go away like I had no nausea, shakiness and weakness As a result I was feeling much better.

Harnessing the amazing, healing elements of nature in a variety of sizes, +5 is a potent, nutrient-rich extract of real fruits and vegetables with a whole lot more!

Using a patented WHOLE LEAF ALOE VERA as the main catalyst, the absorption rate of plant nutrients has been scientifically proven to increase. The truth is, “You Are What You Absorb” and with this patented process +5 cannot be duplicated.


  • +Natural Increases in Energy and Metabolism
  • +Helps Support a Strong and Balanced Immune System
  • +Helps Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Levels
  • +Aids in Digestion
  • +Promotes Cardiovascular Health
  • +Aids Weight Loss and Management
  • +Helps Detoxify and Cleanse the Body
  • +Reduces Inflammation
  • +Contains NO Gluten, NO Added Sugar, NO Added Sodium, NO Artificial Flavors or Colors, NO Preservatives, NO Artificial Sweeteners.

So in conclusion I would recommend +5 to anyone that wants to improve their health.

Become a brand partner with uTHRiV. I am so glad I did.


Wishing you wellf60f0-judy2bsignature



~ Turned her Can’ts into Cans~ Her Dreams into Plans ~

The Best Investment I Ever Made

uTHRiV was the best investment I ever made for myself and my family! Own your own business, and make money from home just working on your computer! This is a genuine online business. No MLM, Pyramid Scheme or anything like that…just the opportunity to work your own internet business in your own time!


This is your chance to gain financial freedom. Life gives you few opportunities; this is one you WANT to take! www.letzthriv.com

brand partners

When someone becomes a Brand Partner, an entire world of possibility opens; this world brings with it an ability to earn full-time money through part-time effort. uTHRiV is not a free ride by any means. But, for those individuals who desire a new way and to break out from the mundane, then uTHRiV can be a very strong influence on your most treasured resources.

If you are tired of just surviving, then get with who shared uTHRiV with you and become a Brand Partner today.

Our products are amazing – nutritional, health and wellness. Our flagship product is very simple, something that everybody on the planet needs. Our daily 5 fruits and vegetables – a concentrate, packed in patented whole leaf Aloe Vera juice. A water enhancer packaged in a 2oz bottle.

plus-5-bottles-272x300BENEFITS INCLUDE:

  • +Natural Increases in Energy and Metabolism
  • +Helps Support a Strong and Balanced Immune System
  • +Helps Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Levels
  • +Aids in Digestion
  • +Promotes Cardiovascular Health
  • +Aids Weight Loss and Management
  • +Helps Detoxify and Cleanse the Body
  • +Reduces Inflammation
  • +Contains NO Gluten, NO Added Sugar, NO Added Sodium, NO Artificial Flavors or Colors, NO Preservatives, NO Artificial Sweeteners.

I would like to invite you to join the freedom from working from home. I am looking for 2 Brand Partners. Contact me and lets see if uTHRiV is a good fit for you and your family

Wishing you well,

Judy Signature


~ Turned her Can’ts into Cans~ 

   ~ Her Dreams into Plans ~                                                                                                                                                                                                    


uTHRiV to wwwletzthriv.com

uTHRiV is an Organization Dedicated to Helping People.

uTHRiV is an organization dedicated to helping people achieve total wellness personally and in the world around them. uTHRiV believes that personal health is critical to this mission and their product line is designed around the core nutritional needs of the body. The featured product, +5, provides the amazing healing elements of nature in a convenient, power packed 2 oz. concentrate. Using a patented WHOLE LEAF ALOE VERA as the main catalyst, the absorption rate of plant nutrients has scientifically been proven to increase by nearly 400%. Simply mix in +5 with a bottle of water each day and you receive 5+ servings of fruits and vegetables.
plus-5-logowebActive Female Daily Vitamin packs are another cornerstone of good nutrition. In today’s busy world, nutritional needs are rarely, if ever fulfilled. Therefore, if you strive to live an active healthy lifestyle, your body needs a broad variety of nutrients in strategically designed combinations to enable you to operate at full potential.
Weight loss and maintenance is another important aspect of a healthy lifestyle. uTHRiV has a series of products designed to help you manage your weight through their Vibe line of products. NutriKare meal alternative powder is a delicious and convenient shake with only 105 calories, 11.5 g of quality protein, a broad range of amino acids, and much more. NutriKare shakes are a convenient way to consistently supply your body with the wide array of nutrients that it desperately needs. The Thermogenic Blend packet is an additional weight loss aid to be taken between each meal. It boosts energy levels naturally, promotes healthy thyroid function, suppresses the appetite by eliminating cravings, and supports the immune system. The third product is the Fat Eliminator. This product contains the necessary, active amounts of specifically combined ingredients and components to have lipophilic properties. This means that they can literally bind and absorb fat molecules. These fat absorbers are naturally derived from plant extracts and powder concentrates.vibeweblogo
The bottom line is our lifestyle, environment and habits are creating a constant imbalance. Our foods are nutrient poor, and our age demands more nutrition. We have no choice but to supplement with high quality products in order to live a long and healthy life. For more information, or to order products, visit our website at http://www.letzthriv.com.
Joe Tessin

Overview of uTHRiV Products


~ Turned her Can’ts into Cans~ 
      ~ Her Dreams into Plans ~

You can Start Your own Business with uTHRiV

Have you ever wanted to start and run your own business, but because of high startup costs and just not sure if you can make it work to be profitable, you didn’t go after your dream?

How to make money



If so, I can show you how to become uTHRiV Brand Partner for less than ever before.

uTHRiV is a company that follows the same idea that is displayed in this popular quote and concept

You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”   

Zig Ziglar




As a uTHRiV Brand Partner you can begin a journey that will provide a better life for you and your family, all while helping people!

By partnering with uTHRiV you are investing not only in your own future but in the world around you. We have several ways for you to begin your journey with us…



As a uTHRiV Brand Partner you can begin a journey that will provide a better life for you and your family, all while helping people!

By partnering with uTHRiV you are investing not only in your own future but in the world around you. We have several ways for you to begin your journey with us…


Wishing you well,

Judy Signature




~ Turned her Can’ts into Cans~ 

   ~ Her Dreams into Plans ~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     





uThRiV + 5 = Health

uThRiVis a multi-level marketing company designed to inspire its members (Brand Partners) to advance total wellness through a focus on four core disciplines (Thinking, Health, Resources, and Village / community). uTHRiV provides its Brand Partners with products and resources to attain total wellness with +5.

life balance +5

+5 is Their flagship product

Harnessing the amazing, healing elements of nature in a variety of sizes, +5 is a potent, nutrient-rich extract of real fruits and vegetables with a whole lot more!

Using a patented WHOLE LEAF ALOE VERA as the main catalyst, the absorption rate of plant nutrients has been scientifically proven to increase. The truth is, “You Are What You Absorb” and with this patented process +5 cannot be duplicated.



Natural Increases in Energy and Metabolism

Helps Support a Strong and Balanced Immune System

Helps Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Level

Aids in Digestion

Promotes Cardiovascular Health

Aids Weight Loss and Management

Helps Detoxify and Cleanse the Body Reduces Inflammation


Contains NO Gluten, NO Added Sugar, NO Added Sodium, NO Artificial Flavors or Colors, NO Preservatives, NO Artificial Sweeteners.

Considering the fact that most popular sports drinks are loaded with toxic colorings, chemical additives, and pointless amounts of sugar – or even worse, artificial sweeteners – are they really a sensible health solution to an already ailing society? Below is a list of what you will find in a single serving of a typical sports drink. After reviewing this list, you may want to reconsider what you are putting into your body: Liquefied empty calories.

sports Drinks

There are roughly 14 grams of sugar in each serving of a sports drink. What makes this worse is the fact that this isn’t the simple table sugar we are familiar with, but it is a potent mix of heavily refined sucrose syrups, glucose and fructose. Diseases, including conditions of the heart, joints, bone, brain, blood, liver, and connective tissue, have all been implicated in the use of various sweeteners.

Sure, many of the popular sports drinks brag about their electrolyte content, but they mostly have unreliable amounts and usually only enough to make a label claim. Some actually contain over twice as much sodium as potassium, making them an unlikely candidate for any beneficial electrolyte restoration. When the body experiences short periods of exhaustion and fatigue, the last thing it needs is an influx of refined sodium.

Loads of colorings are usually on the confusing list of ingredients in most bright sports drinks, adding to its plethora of unknown health consequences. Some of the most popular being yellow #5, Red #40 and Yellow #6, which have been implicated in considerably dangerous health issues including asthmatic complications, ADHD, hyperactivity, chromosomal damage and even cancer – just to name a few.

Caution sports drinks

Brominated vegetable oil (BVO) is also an ingredient of choice for sports drink manufacturers. BVO, used to increase fluidity and uniformity, is also used to create lead dissolving additives for gasoline, photographic paper films, fire-extinguishing materials, and agricultural fumigants. And if that isn’t a cause for alarm, more than 100 countries have outlawed the substance altogether.

Whether you are an athlete or just love to stay active, you probably do not desire to feed your body the sugars, artificial flavors and colorings, chemicals, or many of the other ingredients that you find in most of the heavily marketed sports drinks. It is, however, highly important to stay hydrated and to focus on eliminating unnecessary dietary toxins.


In conclusion, uTHRiV believes in an others focused life wholeheartedly; however, personal health is critical to our ability to serve the world around us. Our new U product line is designed around the core nutritional needs of the body. Our launch product, +5, provides our Brand Partners with the amazing, healing elements of nature in a convenient, power-packed 2 oz. concentrate. Using a patented WHOLE LEAF ALOE VERA as the main catalyst, the absorption rate of plant nutrients has scientifically been proven to increase by nearly 400%.

Join us as a Brand Partner. Take a look. http://www.letzthriv.com


Wishing you well,


http---signatures.mylivesignature.com-54492-190-C90BC8C1A4BD0DD91AC837E8972A1AF7 (1)

~ Turned her Can’ts into Cans ~ Her Dreams into Plans ~





What is Ketosis? What is Ketopia?

Ketopia relies on the power of the keto diet, which is one of the most popular diets in the world today. Ketopia, however, has a bit of a twist. Here’s how the company describes its diet:

“Thousands of years ago, our ancestors lived predominately in nutritional ketosis by living off the land and sea. Eventually, shelf life and greed—also known as the invention of junk food—moved us to an era of foodless foods and lifeless drinks; “Mctosis”, not ketosis! Here in America we are the sickest generation ever, the heaviest generation ever, and the first generation predicted to outlive our children.”

Basically, by eating the right raw foods, we can put our bodies into a state of nutritional ketosis. When our bodies are in this state, they’re able to burn fat without burning carbs.

Ketosis is best described as your body’s natural metabolic state. When your body is in a state
of ketosis, it burns fat for more of its energy instead of burning carbohydrates. Amazingly, fat has 300% more energy than carbohydrates. Get rid of a pound of fat a day.
In other words, ketosis lets us burn away our fat, access a high-quality source of energy, and efficiently move carbs through our bodies without storing more fat. It’s an optimum state of nutrition.
When our bodies follow starvation diets or restrictive diets, they’re rarely in a state of ketosis, which means they can’t take advantage of this natural energy.
 Ultimately, Ketopia wants to make it easy for your body to achieve a state of ketosis. Normally, you need to carefully plan your meals to enter ketosis. But with the help of Ketopia, you can enter ketosis more easily because all your meals are planned out for you.
In America, the amount of money we spend annually on weight loss could feed the world’s hungry, twice. Imagine finally having the number-one health and weight loss product in the world at your fingertips. Imagine having products that feature patent-pending technologies, exclusively. Imagine having a product that not only helps with weight management, but also with mental clarity, energy and overall health. Well, it’s here. Your business opportunity begins now.
Image result for Home business
Do you know anyone who would like to lose weight and finally keep it off.
Share with your friends and you could have a good start to a profitable home business.
Please visit to learn more: www.get-in-ketosis.com Say Judy G referred you.

Wishing you well,
Your health & wellness advocate,

http---signatures.mylivesignature.com-54492-190-C90BC8C1A4BD0DD91AC837E8972A1AF7 (1)
~ Turned her Can’ts into Cans ~ Her Dreams into Plans ~

IASO Tea & Nutraburst

Total Life Changes is a nutritional supplement company which uses network marketing techniques to sell a wide range of oils, skin care products, teas, and liquid formulas.

TLC products 2

I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia a friend has suggested I take This Product Nutraburst. Says it worked great for him with inflammation. So I should get my Nutaburst next Friday. I will keep you updated……

TLC nutraburst

Iaso Nutraburst is a  whole food, liquid formula concentrate is packed with a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals in just a single tablespoon. Nutrients are most useful when they’re completely absorbed into your bloodstream. Studies reveal that only 10-20% of the nutrients in pills or tablets are absorbed into the body compared to 98% of our liquid formula.

Here is  a Total Life Changes product That is particularly popular. That product is called Iaso Tea, I’m going to explain the benefits of Iaso tea and explain why some people call it a “miracle” tea.


Iaso Tea is one of dozens of products in the “Iaso” lineup. Iaso is a trademarked term owned by Total Life Changes. When you browse through products at the Total Life Changes website, you’ll see Iaso multivitamin supplements, Iaso liquid formulas, and Iaso herbal concoctions.

“This unique all-natural blend of 9 essential herbs is designed to cleanse the upper and lower intestines, ridding the body of toxins and some really nasty parasites. Just 8 ounces of this mild tea twice daily can provide you with dramatic results.”

That all sounds great, but what’s actually in Iaso Tea? What are those 9 essential herbs?

Iaso Tea is made from 9 natural ingredients. Those ingredients are all herbs or plant products which grow naturally in the wild. The 9 ingredients include:

-Persimmon Leaves

-Holy Thistle

-Malva Leaves

-Marsh Mallow

-Blessed Thistle





You’ve probably heard of some of these herbs, but not all.

Persimmon leaves are commonly found in other herbal teas, where they typically work as a cleanser. The persimmon leaf has long been used in ancient Chinese medicine and is rich with vitamin C, flavonoids, amino acids, tannins, rutin, and choline carotenoids.

Malva leaves and Marsh Mallow are very similar plants (Malva is often simply called “mallow”). No, you can’t roast Marsh Mallow plants over the fire to make s’mores. Instead, Malva leaves have been shown to sooth inflammation in the mouth and throughout the body.

Holy thistle, also known as blessed thistle, is another plant that has been used for hundreds of years as an overall wellness herb. In medieval Europe, it was actually used as a treatment for the bubonic plague. Today, it’s typically used as a diuretic. It’s listed twice on the ingredients chart, although most scientific publications use “holy thistle” and “blessed thistle” to interchangeably refer to the Cnicus benedictus plant.

The papaya in Iaso Tea isn’t the papaya fruit: it’s dried papaya leaves, which are often used to make teas in tropical countries. Papaya leaf tea has been linked to diuretic properties and improved skin health.

Ginger is often cooked into a tea on its own, where it’s been clinically proven to boost digestion. Made on its own, it’s also one of the spiciest teas you can drink.

Chamomile tea is one of the most popular types of herbal teas in the world, and is often used to cure anxiety and reduce stomach cramps.

Finally, myrrh is actually administered as both a tea and as a dental powder, or as a dental rinse and gargle solution. It works as an antiseptic, killing harmful bacteria in the mouth and preventing those bacteria from harming your digestive tract as they travel through your system.

Ultimately, all of these ingredients have been used on their own as herbal compounds to sooth the digestive system. Total Life Changes has combined all of these ingredients into one tea to make a “super tea”.

Weight loss is one of the major benefits of Iaso Tea. Basically, all of the benefits of Iaso Tea are related to cleaning the digestive tract.

Here are some of the primary benefits associated with Iaso Tea:

-Colon cleansing (remove parasites and worms)

-Blood cleansing

-Detoxify the liver, kidneys, lungs, and gall bladder

-Cure indigestion and treat gastro-intestinal distress

-Weight loss

Now, it’s important to note that Iaso Tea’s “blood cleansing” benefits are related to the fact that Iaso Tea cleanses the liver and kidneys, and these organs then clean your blood. I have also been diagnosed with fatty liver disease. I am going to try the Iaso Tea.

It’s also important to remember that the “weight loss” benefits of Iaso Tea are maximized when you combine the tea with a healthy diet and exercise routine. You may, however, experience some weight loss benefits when taking the tea on its own, as it cleanses the system and purges toxins from the body.

Total Life Changes can also be a lucrative home business.

Making Total Life Changes Starts Today!

TLC Change

TLC is all about CHANGE – motivating yourself to make everything possible. You have the power, we give you the the support and tools to make it work. Are you ready to stay healthy? Enjoy peace of mind and be stress free by earning a second income easily promoting products you use every day.

Contact me…. I am looking for 2 motivated people to join my team.


Wishing you well,

http---signatures.mylivesignature.com-54492-190-C90BC8C1A4BD0DD91AC837E8972A1AF7 (1)

~ Turned her Can’ts into Cans ~ Her Dreams into Plans ~